As perfectionists, we so often strive for convenience. But isn’t it so often the inconvenient moments that make life worth living?
→ We want to complete our work without delay.
→ We want to accomplish with zero friction.
→ We want experiences, meals, entertainment delivered to our door.
I have been so easily seduced by the promises of convenience in the past. To a perfectionist, there is little that’s more attractive than a day, a process, an experience without disruption.
But in the end, it’s the inconveniences that yield greater joy, insight and success:
→ The unplanned conversations in the middle of a busy day that remind us of what matters
→ The projects or jobs gone awry that lead to something better in their place
→ The days spent sick that give our family the chance to slow down and just BE
Drop a note in the comments: What inconvenience has ended up making life worth living?